How transparently ridiculous can a Chinese regime statement be?

The answer is: Extremely ridiculous. Ridiculous to the point that, if it wasn't people's reputations and very lives at stake, it would be silly. Come to think of it, we think we've found another piece of evidence that makes us even more certain that organ harvesting is happening, just as Kigour and Matas have said. This evidence is quite simply the regime's total inability to provide any evidence that would suggest otherwise, even after months have passed.

David Kilgour explains his report on Organ Harvesting
from Falun Gong practitioners
in China at the National
Press Club, Washington, in late July.

Of course, we will not link to the regime's second response to the K&M report on organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. It came out on July 26; if you are determined to read it I'm sure you'll be able to find it. Here, we have a policy of not posting hate propaganda. Charles Liu aka Bobby Fletcher please take note.

K&M wrote a simple, yet expremely revealing rebuttal to the Chinese regime's assertions. It can be seen here. It's worth reading, as a light, simple deconstruction of contemporary communist propaganda.
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August 22, 2006 11:53 a.m.

Hi Oliver,

Great questions!

There are other countries that are taking notice (as are different US institutions), and there are different approaches being voices as to how to deal with the situation. Everyone is afraid of making the regime unhappy, as the prevailing opinion is that it may hurt trade relations. So far, bilateral dialogues have been the choice of many.

Our opinion is, as is that of a recent Canadian report of the topic, that behind-closed-doors diplomacy is useless here. The Chinese regime loves it, because it means that they get to pass some more lofty-sounding laws which have absolutely nothing to do with reality. Low level diplomats are sent to make speeches, shake hands, and then head home to prepare for another year of avoiding this issue.

We think that governments and civil society alike should as loudly as possible yell murder (or rather, yell genocide, which is clearly the case here based on the UN convention, to which China is a party). It seems to us that at the moment, shaming the Chinese regime into stopping these horrors is the best bet.

Loudly, openly, clearly exposing what is happening there, not just in terms of organ harvesting, but also other atrocities, the situation in labour camps, etc., be believe this to be key. Debunking the regime's laughable PR myth of "the best human rights situation ever" in China.

Buying goods from elsewhere (especially organs, as they appear to be making billions on this!) would definitely help as well.    

August 26, 2006 2:29 p.m.


We are unaware of foreign aid efforts being stalled. The sad part is, that a massive portion of any relief funds that go to China will go into officials' pockets -- unless the relief agencies directly aid the local residents. This is unlikely on the most part as local CCP cadres typically push strongly to "administer" all such operations.

I hope Epoch Times reporters manage to get some into out of Fujian to find out what is actually going on there -- if Xinhua reports that there are 15 million homeless, what is the actual toll? Is it a cover up of the magnitude of the disaster, a grab for cash, or (least likely) an accurate portrayal of events? It would be interesting to see what the Chinese language version is reporting -- typically very different from English on these types of topics.

Interestingly, Xinhua in English reported recently that this year has been a record year for natural disasters in China -- based on Central Meteorological Agency data. This one we believe.    

December 07, 2006 7:12 a.m.

Here's what US Congressional research had to say about the Kilgour report:

"the report does not bring forth new or independently-obtainedtestimony and relies largely upon the making of logical inferences. The authors hadconducted their investigation in response to a request by the Coalition to Investigatethe Persecution of the Falun Gong in China (CIPFG), a U.S.-based, non-profitorganization founded by the Falun Dafa Association in April 2006.

In addition to interviewing the same former Sujiatun hospital worker as featured in the EpochTimes, Kilgour and Matas refer to recordings of telephone conversations provided byCIPFG. In these recorded calls that CIPFG members allegedly made from locations outside China to PRC hospitals, police bureaus, and detention centers, telephone respondents reportedly indicated that organ harvesting of live Falun Gong detainees was common. Although many claims and arguments in the Kilgour-Matas report are widely accepted byinternational human rights experts, some of the reports’s key allegations appear to be inconsistent with the findings of other investigations.

The report’s conclusions rely heavily upon transcripts of telephone calls in which PRC respondents reportedly stated that organs removed from live Falun Gong detainees were used for transplants. Some argue that such apparent candor would seem unlikely given Chinese government controls over sensitive information, which may raise questions about the credibility of the telephone recordings."    

  • Anonymous Anonymous

December 20, 2006 7:30 p.m.

Hi Charles, or Bobby,

Yes, there are many unanswered questions. We agree, this question needs to be thoroughly researched. The answer is simple: Grant free access to China's hospitals and labor camps to Kilour and Matas, and let these two men, who's bios easily demonstrate that they can't be bought, by anyone, see for themselves.

Short of this, the allegations continue to be pretty convincing.

Convincing enough to have numerous independent, concerned people around the world to volunteer to conduct an independent investigation.

Convincing enough for some Australian hospitals to ban the training of Chinese transplant surgeons.

Convincing enough for several elected Western politicians to brave the CCP's ire and address this issue directly with Chinese diplomats, much to the Party's chagrin.

And the CCP has noticed this, too -- we can see this by the newly announced organ registry regulations, apparently designed to get concerned Westerners off of the Party's back.

Three guesses how effectively those new regulations will be applied, though, when there are billions of dollars yet to be made...

And, predictably, the CCP regime continues to provide nothing to disprove the allegations, nor is it willing to allow independent researchers in to clear up this issue once and for all.

To our readers: Read the report yourself and make up your own mind.

You might also want to look up some of the new evidence that Kilgour and Matas have gathered, such as a military doctor supplying a foreign patient with eight kidneys from live donors before one took.

Kilgour says there are 10 new lines of evidence available, which will be put in an updated report later this month).

Charles, we would love to learn that the organ harvesting allegations are untrue. So far, however, most evidence tragically points to the fact that it is happening.

There are clearly some questions that need to be resolved. Let's resolve them. Let's open up those hospitals and Laogai.    

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