Lizhi Tells It Like It Is

Recently Toronto Star columnist David Crane wrote a misguided opinion piece on Prime Minister Stephen Harper's recent prioritizing of human rights in his dialogue with Hu Jintao. It was of the "it's bad there, but look how much they've accomplished, and we're not perfect ourselves, so we should be nice" variety.

Are there aspects of life that have gotten better in Communist China since the cultural revolution? Definitely. Does that mean that we shouldn't address gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the CCP regime, as a priority? We think the answer is clear.

It's a matter of principle, pure and simple.

Perhaps we can forgive Mr. Crane for doubting that Prime Minister Harper indeed did act on principle -- there has been precious little of that in Canadian politics, and perhaps also in the business world with which Mr. Crane is so familiar, in recent years, especially with respect to dealing with China. But including the standard CCP propaganda is his article as evidence of progress? Mr. Crane, you should know better.

Last month the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China outlined the principles that it said must be followed for "building a harmonious socialist society by 2020." These included: "Adhering to putting people first," as well as "adhering to reform and opening up" and "adhering to democracy and the rule of law." Our interest is in supporting China's efforts to realize its goals, not self-indulgent public moralizing. -- he wrote.

Hardly, Mr. Crane. Helping China -- Yes. There are efforts by different groups in China to achieve just these things. But they have nothing to do with the governing CCP, which does everything in its power, consistently, to thwart the type of progress described here, while also consistently leaving specious platitudes such as the text above for the world to digest. Wouldn't what you wrote, Mr. Crane, be more correctly described as "self-indulgent public moralizing?" With your credentials, Mr. Crane, you really should know better!

We were slow to write a letter to The Star on the topic, but our good friend Lizhi was quick on the draw, and his letter to the editor was published a few days ago. He says it like it is.

Applaud PM on China

Only when we expose the Communist party for what it really is, will we see sweeping, positive changes

Nov. 23, 2006. 01:00 AM

Re: Posturing on China hurts Canada Column, Nov. 20.

I am shocked how David Crane can express his ignorance about China's conditions under Communist party rule so easily as he writes in his comfortable chair from the safety of Canada.

In 2000, I was a highly awarded engineer in China until I stood up to protect my right to believe in my faith in Falun Gong. I was then torn from my wife and suffered for more than 3 1/2 years in prison and experienced and also witnessed torture beyond human comprehension until I was rescued with the help of Amnesty International who deemed me a "prisoner of conscience." Right now, millions of Falun Gong practitioners are suffering and thousands have been torn from their families and tortured to death in labour camps and prisons.

If Crane or one of his family members were being tortured in the conditions that millions are facing across China today, he might not be so quick to protect the Communist party for mere trade dollars.

Being exposed for its weaknesses is what the Communist party fears most. This is why it covered up SARS that eventually spread and killed 44 Canadians. Does Crane not learn from history? And can Crane actually talk about an independent justice system in China with a straight face?

There is no doubt the Communist party is the world's master at propaganda and cover-up and it seems Crane has bought into its facade hook, line and sinker.

The Communist party is not China. It stole it 60 years ago and raped and pillaged it. And when the Communist party collapses, and it will, China will become stronger and survive as it has for countless dynasties without the Communist party.

I applaud Prime Minister Stephen Harper for his insight and principle. Only when we firmly and loudly expose the Communist party for what it really is, will we see sweeping positive changes for China and for Canada's trade goals.

Lizhi He, Toronto
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