Polish Parliament to Examine Poland's Participation at Beijing Olympics

New Epoch Times article by yours truly.

WARSAW—Many methods can be used to voice a country's displeasure towards an Olympic host, especially if that host is a grievous human rights violator. A total boycott is not the only way, said Polish parliamentarian Karol Karski at a press conference on March 17. The Polish government, he argued, could choose not to go to Beijing 2008, while still allowing athletes to attend.

Zbigniew Romaszewski, Assistant Speaker of the Polish Senate and perennial Human Rights activist, with his wife Zofia, also a famed Polish Solidarity activist, at a rally supporting Tibet in front of the Chinese Embassy in Warsaw on March 16, 2008 (Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times)

Karski has mobilized the opposition Law & Justice party's parliamentary association to call for a joint sitting of the Foreign Affairs and Sports & Physical Culture committees of the Sejm (the Polish parliament) to examine this very question. The verbose title of the proposed hearing makes it plain: A discussion of the situation surrounding the organizing the of 2008 Olympics in the People's Republic of China (PRC), a nation which violates human rights and the principles contained in the Olympic Charter.

The initiative would make Poland's Sejm the first parliament in the world to make an official, public assessment of its country's role at the Beijing Games. A date for the hearing is expected to be set in the next couple of days, officials say.

According to Karski, the participation of Polish government functionaries such as Ministers at the Olympics would construe "a kind of support for the PRC government's activities" such as the ongoing violence perpetrated by the Chinese military on the people of Tibet.

Concurrently, a group of Polish parliamentarians that were in the political opposition to Poland's communist leaders in the 1980's have launched an appeal to the PRC.

"With respect to the Beijing Olympics, we declare that the PRC is a dictatorship, in which human rights are violated, in particular citizens' rights, religious rights as well as the rights of ethnic minorities, violations as in the case of present-day Tibet," highlighted the appeal, led by Assistant Speaker of the Sejm Stefan Niesiołowski.

The appellants, who include perennial Solidarity activists such as parliamentarian Andrzej Czuma, hope to mobilize people from all walks of life including Olympic athletes to "undertake all sorts of actions to aid in the release all political prisoners in the PRC, as well as [in developing] respect for human and citizens' rights in that country." They stop short of calling for an all-out boycott of the Games.

The Polish Parliamentary Group on the Question of Tibet took a stronger stance. In a letter addressed to the PRC ambassador in Poland Chin Sun Rongmin, the Group states "it is not yet too late to consider an international boycott of the Beijing Olympics," considering the current "wave of repression" in Tibet.

Calling Beijing to account for its human rights violations is not a new thing in the Sejm. Five months earlier at a parliamentary conference on human rights in China vis-à-vis the Beijing Olympics , a number of speakers and organizations spoke out. The Polish Transplant Sports Association (PTSA), the World Solidarity coalition, and The International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), one of the event co-organizers, all took strong positions against the holding of the 2008 Games in Beijing.

How to Shame an Olympic Host

Last Month, Holland's Christian Union Party, part of the government coalition, called for a boycott of the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games, citing Beijing's gross human rights violations as the cause.

The poster of the World Solidarity coalition of NGOs and individuals calling for a boycott of the Beijing Games, at a protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Warsaw on March 16, 2008. World Solidarity was formed at Asian Human Rights Week in Warsaw in November 2006 when it made an appeal to the Polish Olympic Committee about the Beijing Games. (Jan Jekielek/The Epoch Times)

There have been boycotts or nations barred from participating in the Games for human rights violations consistently since 1956 including four years of boycotts and the barring of South Africa from 1964 until 1992 due to the racist policy of apartheid.

The most famous and widespread boycott was in 1980 when Moscow hosted the games after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The U.S. implemented a full boycott, urging the world to do the same, to which there were a variety of responses.

Between 45 and 50 countries joined the boycott including many influential ones such as Canada and Japan. Some governments, such as Great Britain and Australia, officially supported the boycott but gave athletes the choice to go or not – many of whom stayed home. Other countries chose milder yet still symbolic methods, such as the Olympic ceremonies boycott suggested for the 2008 Games. Several nations competed under the Olympic flag rather than their own, as a means of voicing their disapproval.

Of the countries that chose a total boycott in 1980 for political reasons, one nation stands out: The People's Republic of China itself.

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March 19, 2008 6:43 p.m.

I heard a lot of SANCTION, BOYCOTT, etc. in 1989, today I only heard a few soft talks on 'restraint'. Why?

*Who dare to lose profits & cheap products from China today?

*Dare to have China withdraw its cash [>$650 billions of them] from USA & her puppets' banks, especially when they are all in deep financial troubles due to wars & greed!

So, let's set aside those beautiful slogans--Human Rights, Democracy, Justice, Liberty, Freedom, etc., etc.--for now and salute instead: VIVA PROFITS! VIVA MONEY!! VIVA SUPER HUGE MARKET!!! VIVA COMMUNIST CHINA!!!!    

March 23, 2008 1:03 p.m.

Hi Kl, you raise a good point here. The Chinese regime's dictators have done much to make themselves very, very important in the globalized economy, making most countries think twice before speaking out too loudly. But there are voices, even among governments, who are speaking out, and those voices are growing. And if everyday people in democratic countries make it known with a loud voice that this matters to them, then the politicians will most certainly be forced to listen -- or they might not win the next election, which is the most important thing for many of them.    

March 23, 2008 4:26 p.m.

Jan & Cindy, your point is well taken. Unfortunately most piliticians listen to mongers [aka money men to politicians] first before next elections.

Every monger is very eager to get a piece of China market right now, politicians would not dare to rock the boat today. That's why we only heard a few soft talks like 'dailogue with DL', 'restraint', etc. so far from the members of the FREE WORLD.

Even Ms. Rice acted lately more like Beijing Spokes-lady on Taiwan returning to UN issue, trying to calm Taiwan down in favor of Communist regime.    

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